
How to cook japonica rice without rice cooker

The followings is how to cook rice (japonica) not by using rice cooker.

  1. Measure rice by a measuring cup and put it into a bowl
  2. Fill water and remove the water
  3. Wash the rice
  4. Fill water and remove the water in a few times in order to remove ground rice powders
  5. Move the rice to a cookware. A thick one is fine, e.g. a saucepot
  6. Put water in the same volume as the rice
  7. Heat it up by strong fire
  8. When boiled, change to very low flame
  9. By using a wooden spatula, take rice grains from the pot bottom
  10. Put the cover. Wait 10 minutes sharp
  11. Put out the fire. Wait 10 minutes or more

Never remove the pot cover for 20 minutes.


炊飯器を使わずに鍋で米 (ジャポニカ種) を炊く手順は次の通り.

  1. 米を研ぐ.計量カップで米をボウルなどに量り入れ,水を満たしたあと捨て,米を研ぐ.そのあと水を数回替える.最後に水をできるだけ切る
  2. 米を鍋に移す.厚手の鍋が良い.米と同量の水を加える
  3. 火にかける.鍋脇から炎がはみ出ない程度の強火
  4. 沸騰したら,トロ火にする.先の平たい木ベラなどで鍋底にくっつきかけた米をはがす
  5. 鍋に蓋をする.ここから 10 分間トロ火
  6. 10 分経ったら,火を止める.ここから 10 分蒸らす

20 分間は決して蓋を取ってはいけない.